Omega-3 is a nutrient that helps the organs in the body, including the heart, brain, and eyes, function normally. And when the organs in the body function normally, they will help us to be able to do all our daily activities to the fullest. But Omega-3 is a nutrient that the body cannot create on its own. We therefore need to get it from external sources of nutrients, such as from eating foods that contain Omega-3 or taking dietary supplements.
For those who are looking for good brain food but don’t want to buy supplements because they don’t want to accept the risks or side effects of taking supplements, in this article we have foods that contain Omega 3, a source of good fats that nourish the brain.
Foods with Omega 3
Normally, we can find food that contains Omega 3 from natural foods that we already eat in our daily lives. Popular sources of food that are high in Omega 3 and are easy to find and buy include:
Deep sea fish
Deep-sea fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, etc., are not only high in omega-3, but are also a rich source of high-quality protein and various nutrients, including vitamin D, vitamin B, and selenium. People who regularly eat deep-sea fish can reduce their risk of conditions such as heart disease, dementia, and depression.
Some freshwater fish in Thailand
Some freshwater fish in Thailand are also foods that contain omega 3. They are not expensive and are easy to find, such as white pomfret, white sea bass, mackerel, tilapia, and swai. They are considered sources of easily digestible protein, low in cholesterol, and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Oysters are a source of vitamins and minerals such as omega-3, iodine, calcium, and vitamins B1, 2, and 12, which have properties that help stimulate the nervous system. ทางเข้า In addition, oysters have low cholesterol levels compared to other types of seafood, so they can help reduce or control blood fat levels.
Canola oil
Canola oil is a food source that contains omega-3 and is a source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid that can be synthesized into EPA and DHA fatty acids that help reduce cholesterol, reduce platelet aggregation, reduce the chance of blood clots, and help slow down the deterioration of cells in the body.
Peas are a favorite snack for many people. In addition to being delicious, did you know that half a cup of peas is rich in omega-3, up to 300 milligrams? They are also a source of protein, vitamins, and other nutrients that help strengthen health, improve brain cell function, and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Dairy products
Another popular food with omega-3 is dairy products, which help bones grow and become stronger. This is especially important for pre-teen and teen children, as it helps enhance physical and brain development. However, you should choose to drink plain milk rather than flavored milk with sugar, as it will provide more benefits.
Did you know that about half a cup of spinach contains about 100 milligrams of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), as well as antioxidants and nutrients that help build brain cells and reduce the formation of fibers or fibrils in the brain, which are the cause of the destruction of memory nerve fibers? For anyone looking for a good source of brain food, spinach is a great choice.